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the jacaranda tree plan

When we were in hospital with Riley we hatched a plan. We had looked out the hospital window and there was a big, beautiful Jacaranda tree outside. Our plan was to purchase a house with a big back yard.


In consultation with our beautiful son (yes we chat with him regularly), we planned to plant a Jacaranda tree in the back yard in a spot for all to enjoy. The tree would bloom around Riley’s birthday every year. This plan came to fruition in November 2014 where the tree was planted and Riley’s ashes were interred and used to support the tree in its growth. It is here that our family regularly talks to Riley and shares our lives as he is a part of us.


Our  children play and enjoy this special place. 'Riley's Place' as it has become known. It is a place of play, reflection, noise and celebration. Riley and his place has very much become a part of our home. 


December 2012


Hi Riley,

It was so funny when Uncle Adam and I were trying to dig your small tree out of the front yard. One of Adam’s friends (Kate) was also trying to help us a)find an appropriate tree and b) get it out of the ground, as its roots were growing under a rock.

Love Mummy


January 2013


Hi Riley,

Mummy and Daddy have started to grow your tree in a pot. We gave you a pot for Christmas for your tree to grow in. So far even though we have only been doing it for a few weeks, there are lots of things to tell you about.


January 2013


Hi Riley,

Mummy planted your tree in the pot and Daddy has lovingly watered it. The tree was not doing so well because when we transported it, Uncle Ad and I had to cut some of the roots off. Uncle Ad suggested to cut all the branches and leaves off. The tree was just a stalk and we did not hold much hope. We continued watering it for a few weeks. Then we had the Australia Day weekend floods, where there was lots of rain. Just after, Mummy noticed your tree sprouting tiny branches. We are so happy. Your tree is a little fighter!


Meanwhile, Poppa John has been busily planting Jacaranda seeds in pots and his front yard, in the hope we will get one strong tree for you. (Just in case) 😉


Love Mummy and Daddy


February 2014


Hi Riley,

​We did it! We bought a house. Just in the nick of time too as your sibling will be arriving in about a month. We are so hopeful of welcoming your little brother or sister into our home and teaching them about you. Daddy is planning to create a landscaped area for your tree in the backyard. It will be beautiful.


Love Mummy



September 2014


Hi Riley,

​Oh my goodness. Your Dad has worked so hard to create your area. It took some blood sweat and tears to dig out some plants, trees and their roots.


Love Mummy and Daddy




November 2016


Dear Riley

As you can see since we created your place our family has enjoyed your space and included you in play and celebration.


Much Love Mum and Dad

July 2018


Dear Riley

Many afternoons you will catch us all including the dog, running, kicking, laughing and playing in your area. Finn and Harper love to help us water your garden. You are much loved and missed.


Love Mum and Dad

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